Renaissance Management Suite, (RMS)
The RMS has the following suites:
Energy Information System, (EIS)
Energy data is gathered every 15 minutes for each of your properties and deployed in a rich visualization environment to allow for daily analysis, comparison and identification of saving opportunities.
The energy usage heat-map shows energy consumption per hour for the last 30 days, the scale defines a color per the KwH usage; you can see after 6:00pm, usage goes medium blue between 9 to 14 KwH.
Your historical data for each of your properties, allows to analyze accumulated data daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
Depending on your historical data, it could be displayed totally, yearly, 6 months, 3 months or 1 month on comparative graphs year to year.
Correlation of KwH with outside temperature, Degree-days, Percent Change to identify start/stop of HVACs and Btu/SF. Graph of Base Load or total energy usage excluding HVACs versus total usage.
Graph of 'Building Performance' shows KwH usage per Degree-Day.
Last graph shows the 'Base-Temperature' of the property.
GasInformation System, (GIS)
If one or more of your properties uses gas to provide energy in any way, you need to give BOT access to your account with Center Point Energy. Gas data is gathered by the RMS-GIS for each of your properties and deployed in a rich visualization environment to allow for daily analysis.
Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration shows that cooling, lighting, and ventilation accounts for 62 percent of electricity use, and space heating dominates natural gas use at 86 percent.
When you benchmark your building in Portfolio Manager, one of the key metrics you’ll see is energy use intensity, or EUI. Essentially, the EUI expresses a building’s total energy (electricity plus gas) usage as a function of its area per year.
Your historical data for each of your properties, allows to analyze accumulated data daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
Depending on your historical data, it could be displayed totally, yearly, 6 months, 3 months or 1 month on comparative graphs year to year
Weather Information Systems, (WIS)
Weather plays a priority roll on your parameters to be tracked, because it determines the amount of energy usage your property is going to demand every moment during the working hours.
Weather is driven by air pressure, temperature and moisture differences between one place and another. These differences can occur due to the sun's angle at any particular spot, which varies by latitude from the tropics. The strong temperature contrast between polar and tropical air gives rise to the jet stream.
The RMS-TIS gathers weather data from a local weather station which could change depending on specific location of the property, visual tools are included to correlate energy and water usage versus temperature.
Water Information System, (H2OIS)
To have access to your 'water usage' data using the RMS-WIS you need to give BOT access to your Utility Customer Services account, (For properties in Houston); in case you are not registered go to the website and do it.
After EIS has access to your water account, on a daily basis, it will gather the water usage data for each of your properties as soon as the website makes it available, (usually there is a two days delay)
The RMS-WIS would gather the water usage data of the last three months from Utility Customer Services website for each of your properties, providing you with options to analyze, look for patterns and identify pick demand in every season.
Your historical data for each of your properties, allows to analyze accumulated data daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.
Depending on your historical data, it could be displayed totally, yearly, 6 months, 3 months or 1 month on comparative graphs year to year
Site Title
HVACs Operation
HVAC (Heating, ventilating and air conditioning) is the most used technology to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to the outside as well as circulation of air within the building. It is one of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in buildings.
The time of working hours of your HVACs is the greatest consumption of energy in your property.
You need to know the start and the shut times of your HVACs; analyze behavior of energy consumption, as the time of energy peak, behavor and usage, to improve working hours and load distribution. Making sure temperature and ambient comfort is provided in your property.
Energy Star Benchmarking
ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR program was established by EPA in 1992. In 2005, Congress enacted the Energy Policy Act. Section 131 of the Act amends Section 324 (42 USC 6294) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, and "established at the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency a voluntary program to identify and promote energy–efficient products and buildings in order to reduce energy consumption, improve energy security, and reduce pollution through voluntary labeling of or other forms of communication about products and buildings that meet the highest energy efficiency standards."
EPA created ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®, an online tool you can use to benchmark the performance of one building or a portfolio of buildings. Benchmarking the energy performance of your buildings is a key first step to understanding and reducing energy consumption and your carbon footprint. The RMS uses web services capabilities to exchange data with Portfolio Manager®, making the benchmarking of your properties almost an automated process. First: the RMS import the property data into Portfolio Manager®, this includes basic information of the property, operations parameters, energy and water data, (last 12 months). Second: the RMS export metrics out of Portfolio Manager®, allowing you to view you Energy Star Score and other metrics. Certain
property types as office buildings can also receive a 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR® score, which compares your property to
similar properties nationwide.
A score of 50 represents median energy performance while a score of 75 means your building is a top energy perform
er and may be eligible for ENERGY STAR certification.
Benchmarking is the fundamental step in your quest to reduce energy usage and reduce operating expenses.
Once you get your Energy Star Score, you'll be able to implement energy-efficient strategies that are right for your pro-
perty. BOT is a qualified Service and Product Provider (SPP) by the Energy Star® Program